travel info
to figure out your fare, check the number you got when boarding the bus, then match the number on board
Bus to Noboribetsu: Bus to Noboribetsu onsen is right in front of JR Noboribetsu station, from 6:26am to 9:35pm fare 330Y
My bus trip: 1/11/06 12:28 pm depart from noboribetsu train station 1/11/06 12:42 pm arrived at noboribetsu on-sen
Noboribetsu Grand Hotel, which stands in front of a beautiful ravine and a sea of trees, has worked to improve its service throughout its history of over half a century.
It is also known as the "guest house of the north" because it was formerly patronized by the Imperial Household. The hotel is popular among many guests for its noble style.
Address: 173 Noboribetsu Onsen-machi Location: Hokkaido Transportation: The staff will pick you up at the station if you tell them your arrival time in advance; otherwise, it's above Noboribetsu Onsen's main street, a 10-min. walk from the bus terminal Phone: 0143/84-2145 Fax: 0143/84-2146 Room Information: 43 units Prices: �10,000 ($83) single; �16,000 ($133) double; �24,000 ($200) triple. Breakfast �2,000 ($17) extra; dinner �5,000-�10,000 ($42-$83) extra Credit Cards: AE, DC, MC, V Facilities: Coffee shop; karaoke bar; indoor/outdoor hot-spring baths (the outdoor bath alternates days for men and women); in-room massage