travel info
Price: Y4500 for single, book through Internet else Y6500, Y3500/person for double
Direction: east of Inaricho Station (Inaricho is one station east of Ueno JR on the Ginza line) you can also click on the map below...
The hotel is very nice (and so is most hotels in Japan).
I walked pass it several times before I found it. It's on the left hand side of the main street, not in a side street like it was indicated on their map (or shown on the Google map). It was next to a parking lot. Walking towards Asakusa, before the first traffic light (from Inaricho station east), you will see a little alley on your left. The Oak Hotel sign is on your right hand side on the side walk, not very visible at night. It is just a simple wooden board.
Use the fare adjustment machine if you forgot to pay the full fare. If you don't know how much to pay for the train or subway, simply buy the cheapest ticket, when you arrive at the destination, insert your ticket to the fare adjustment machine, so you can exit the station without getting arrested.
The yellow line on the floor is for the blind people to follow (you don't have to follow the line if you can see).
Used to travel in countries where anything within plus or minus ten hours were supposed to be "on time". In Japan, on time means up to the minutes. It sure took some time to get used to. The trains are awfully efficient and on time. You would surely miss the train if you are only 1 minute late (I'm speaking from experience).