The Ikoma Zan Trail is not far from Osaka.
The Mount Ikoma trail is an old pilgrim trail. Long time ago, monks walked these trails across the mountain to Nara and beyond, seeking enlightenment, and gaining tax deductions.
The trail open grandly with a shopping street at Ishikiri. I followed the trail of ancient shoppers, but resisted the temptation of buying anything. My goal was far grander than small town shopping...
To reach Ishikiri: Take the Kinetsu Osaka Line from JR Tsuruhashi (which is on the eastern side of the Osaka Loop line) to Ishikiri station (about 15 minutes from JR Tsuruhashi), then walk east, then turn left at the 2nd or 3rd corners (both way is OK) there are plenty of maps around the area.
To prepare for my pilgrim trail, I had to collect food. The local vegetation around that area was these yellow potatoes. They looked eatable and delicious. They grow on stone pillars and cement roofing, easily reachable by hungry hikers.
Walking east, I reached the Ishikiri Yume Kannon Do (or the Temple of Dream Kannon). The winged horse could be an inspiration from Pegasus, or it could also because Bellerophon dropped by this temple on his quest.
I also found this flower by the side of the trail. This reminded me I have missed my breakfast. The delusion of my hunger made me think this is a fry egg. So I picked it up and swallowed it like a fry egg. My delusion told me it tasted like a fry egg. And that was the story of my breakfast...
I continued up the trail. Up the thousand stairs to the Ishikiri shrine. A blind man was swiping the fallen leaves from the stairs.
When I walked pass him, he looked up and said, "you are followed by a ghost."
I turned back and saw nothing. I reminisced on his words and realized he spoke in Japanese which I didn't understand a word. He was probably just telling me not to step on the leaves. So I continued up, towards the Ishikiri shrine.
The shrines were empty. The late autumn was not a tourist season. I walked through the empty shrines, talking to bored deities. They asked if I have some coins to spare, I told them I spent them all in the instant noodle vending machine.
A leaf fall into the pond, causing a clamor of protest.
"You are not a turtle," the turtles shouted at the leaf. "You must leave at once!"
For that the leaf replied calmly, "it's not my will to fall in here. It's the will of the wind which blow me to this pond. Like it's the will of the people who dropped you here. We are both victims of fate."
The turtles accepted his explanation, and welcomed their new brother.