journal indo-china 2008

Indo-China 2008 Travel Journal

Tinghir To Merzouga

Oct 26, 2010 Tue
08:00Tinghir To Merzouga
10:41Pending transport to Town
10:56:01 Transport
hotel total paid 1400
700 = 610 + 90 tips
700 = 300+ 350 + 50 tips
11:37Arrive Tinghir
4:00pm bus to Merzouga By SupraTour, price: 80d
also a 1:00pm bus (not from SuraTour)? not sure...
14:13Tinghir Monument
Photo taken From Tinghir Internet Service
2hr for 8 d
14:45Lunch at Tinghir Caf� Restaurant Riafallah
ordered a berber omelet for 40d
at the South West Corner of the mounment plaza
Bread is cold
15:03Berber Omelet
15:21Kabash Glaoul
15:22Hotel Saghro
next to the Kasbah
15:27Kasbah Glaoul
is a garbage dump
16:09Waiting for Supratours to Merzouga
16:45Bus To Merzouga
Finally... after 45 mins delay
Bus to Fez from Merzouga (supraTour) 7:00pm
21:58Hotel Raid Totmaroc
450d per night, include dinner and breakfast
Ali (the owner) seems to be more interested at watching football then serving his guest, can't blame him, his staff Foaud seems to do the welcoming task well enough.
(Later I found out he was actually Mohammed, a nephew of Ali, no wonder. Ali actually care about his business, I saw him fixing the toilet himself later on)
22:34Dinner at Totmaroc
If I knew they were going to feed me so well late at night, I wouldn't have swallowed up the two bowls of welcome peanuts a bit earlier....
Age: 0:0:2.5
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