wreckage of vietnam war, military museum

Direction Same location as last photo
Location Hanoi, South East Asia, Vietnam, Asia
Info F 8.0 1/80 ISO 80 with Canon PowerShot G9
Continent Asia Country Vietnam
State South East Asia City Hanoi
Day Leaving Hanoi Activity Military museum
Date 2008:10:09 12:18:42 Make Canon
Model Canon PowerShot G9 Width 4000
Height 3000 Flash Off, Did not fire
Focal 14.8 mm Exposure 1/80
F Number 8.0 ISO 80
White Bal. Manual Metering Multi-segment
Compensation 0 Hyperfocal 4.25 m
Latitude 21.033 Longitude 105.840166666667
Altitude 7.031642914 m File Size 2.1 MB
Age: 0:0:1.2
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